Heid Electromagnetic Brakes & Clutches

Multi Plate Clutches from Heid

Multi-plate Clutches

With their diversity in design, technical conception and different designs, multi-plate clutches are universally suitable for drive solutions.

Multi Disk Brakes from Heid

Multi-disk Brakes

Brakes are generally used to hold or decelerate loads in drive systems.

Single Surface Systems from Heid

Single-surface Systems

Single-face clutches enable economical drive solutions in mechanical engineering. Their application ranges from the drive switching of systems with non-uniform loads to the precise control of work cycles with a high switching frequency.

ZF Replacement Parts from Heid

ZF Replacement Products and Finder

Heid are able to replace all former ZF types. The types shown are an extract from the complete range.


  • ZF Model
  • Alternative Heid Model
  • Description
  • E 0.5, EK 1, EK 2, Ek 2d, EK 5, EK 5d, EK 10, EK 10d, EK 10e, EK 20
  • LCW-S
  • Electromagnetic slip-ring disc clutch
  • EK R 0.5, EKR 1, EKR 2, EKR 5, EKR10, EKR 20, EKR 30A, EKR 40A, EKR 60A, EKR 80A, EKR 120A, EKR 160, EKR 250
  • LKC-S
  • Electromagnetic stationary field multi disc brake
  • EK 1B, EK 2B, EK 5B, EK 10eB, EK 20dB, EK 20eB, EK 40dB, EK 40eB, EK 60dB, EK 80B, EK 120eB, EK 160B, EK 320B
  • LCBW-S
  • Electromagnetic multi disc brake
  • EK 0.25ZS, EK 0.5ZS, EK 1ZS, EK 2dZS, EK 5dZS, EK 10dZS, EK 10eZS, EK 20dZS, EK 20eZS, EK 40dZS, EK 60dZS, EK 80ZS, EK 120eZS
  • MZZ-S
  • Electromagnetic slip-ring toothed clutch
  • EKR 1ZS, EKR 2ZS, EKR 5ZS, EKR 10ZS, EKR 20ZS, EKR 40ZS, EKR 60ZS, EKR 80ZS, EKR 120ZS
  • FZZ-S
  • Electromagnetic stationary field toothed clutch
  • EK 0.25Z, EK 0.5Z, EK 1Z, EK 2dZ, EK 5dZ, EK 10dZ, EK 10eZ, EK 20dZ, EK 40dZ, EK 60dZ, EK 80Z, EK 120eZ
  • MZK-S
  • Electromagnetic slip-ring toothed clutch
  • EKR 1Z, EKR 2Z, EKR 5Z, EKR 10Z, EKR 20Z, EKR 40Z, EKR 60Z, EKR 80Z, EKR 120Z
  • FZK-S
  • Electromagnetic stationary field toothed clutch